Youtube Copyright


Q : 1. The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
A : Choose True

Q : 2. If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification:
A : Choose In your email

Q : 3. As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
A : Choose False

Q : 4. "Fair use" is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
A : Choose True

Q : 5. If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
A : Choose True

Q : 6. If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
A : Choose False

Q : 7. If you misuse YouTube's counter-notification process:
A : Choose You could end up in court

Q : 8. If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
A : Choose True